Thursday, October 29, 2009


Use CE5.5, Flash 9, Firefox (what i use anyway)

Scan for 00000039840FD285

Address returned, dissassemble.

The next 2 lines will include mov ecx,[edx+00000090] (for flash 10, 88 for flash 10)

right click, toggle breakpoint

A window will say it will run a debugger, click ok. Now your firefox will hang, don't worry this is normal

Now on the right hand side of the CE in mem view, there will be a bunch of codes like edx, eax. Look for the code for edx, click it once and it will ask u if u wanna change the code at that point. Just copy the address for that edx and paste in somewhere for reference later.

Debug->Toggle Breakpoint, then Debug-> run

Use the address that u copied just now and +88/90 depend of flash player. mine is 0ad55f28. So +88 is 0AD55FB0.

Go to CE, uncheck hex and scan for your level. i believe should be working for all levels. Bunch of address on the left and look for the address that u got after +88. In my case i will search for 0AD55FB0. When i found it on left hand side, double click and do the steps for previous hack that doesnt work for lvl 32.

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